Monday, April 27, 2015

Capitalism vs. Socialism

Oh the age old debate.  Capitalism vs. Socialism.  In the United States it has become Republican vs. Democrat.  And I'm not saying the 'evil" Socialism/Communism idea.  I mean Socialism: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods (  I'm sure many can see how the Democratic viewpoint is similar to this definition.  If not, I'd be happy to engage in a conversation on that subject.  And we have Capitalism: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market (  I'm sure most can see how that fits the popular view of Republicans. 

Now why do I bring these up?  Well everything I hear from the news and politicians and from college professors is the argument of one over the other.  We need to abolish Capitalism or we need to abolish Socialism.  I hear many very passionate and convincing arguments (if not riddled with misinformation and twisted facts on both sides), but in case any one wasn't aware, the United States Government is a mixed system.  Our political system is a combination of Capitalism and Socialism.  The arguing and fighting is one side wanting more power than the other side.  Yet all we hear is one side saying we don't need the other side.  Of course we do.  Without the mixed system, the United States would be unrecognizable.  Capitalism is necessary because it ensures the people's right to freedom of choice.  They can open whatever business they want, buy whatever goods they want, and seek employment wherever they want without the Government telling them no (though these right have been disappearing each and everyday []) Socialism is necessary because the government is able to control certain industries, making sure that everyone has an equal access and share to certain services that are essential to our daily lives such as roads, law enforcement, social security, and military defense. 

Alright, so obviously each one has its individual flaws.  For instance, Capitalism if left unchecked can ultimately put the economic power in the hands of a few (as we have already seen) because pure Capitalism is in essence controlled by greed and the quest to serve yourself.  Creating business in an effort to make money.  Without ethics and morals, this can obviously lead to large disparities in wealth, with some making much much more than others. Socialism comes into play by regulating the free market in a way that reduces unfair and unethical practices that contribute to this wealth disparity and ensures that the free market remains a FREE market for all to try their hand at.  Now, on the flip side, Socialism if left unchecked places all the control and power in the hands of the government.  Traditionally, in history, this does not end well because no matter how well intentioned those in power are, eventually they will have to take away the rights of others for the good of the few.  To make everyone on an even playing field all the time, peoples' liberties are sacrificed.
So to bring this to today's conversations, the how fight between Socialism and Capitalism, Democrat vs. Republican, is about power and control.  Capitalism advocates want the government out of their way so they can operate without the government taking a cut and undermining their success.  Socialism advocates want regulations to ensure Capitalism doesn't create wealth disparity and that more government control creates a more even playing field.  Both have their good sides and both have their bad sides.  So my argument essentially is.  Why choose?  We need both.  Pure Capitalism is no good, and neither is Pure Socialism.  Pure Democratic is no good, and neither is Pure Republican.  And every argument you hear out there is just sound bites and catch lines reducing the complexity of each side into A or B, Blue or Red, and Good or Evil (both sides feel the other is such).  Such arguments only succeed in dividing our country and create harsh, ugly, and false arguments on both sides.  What we need to do is come together.  It is that middle ground that we find success.  A balance is what our country is supposed to be and what will work.  But that can only happen if we cease playing the blame game and demonizing our neighbors.  The majority of what you hear in the news is either taken out of context, or completely false.  What we need to do is open up dialogue with each other.  Get your information from the source and not through a channel that has edited the information through dozens of biased hands.  I for one, am fiscally Conservative and socially Liberal.  So do I have to sacrifice one set of principles for the other every time I vote?  Bankrupt the country for social issues of the people, or protect social issues of the people at the expense of our country?  Until we combine both sides, this argument will not stop until combustion occurs.

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